ECO's Board of Directors
Evergreen Chamber Orchestra’s Board of Directors is an all-volunteer group with diverse backgrounds and skills that comes together to ensure our wonderful orchestra is able to rehearse, perform, and grow year after year.
It’s not easy to keep an all-volunteer group running smoothly, but for all of our board members it is a challenge that they gladly accept. From planning out the season, running marketing campaigns, and managing financials – to helping out at the ticket table, putting together the food for receptions, and getting flowers for soloists – our board members do whatever it takes to ensure our musicians, sponsors, and audience members have an amazing experience with the Evergreen Chamber Orchestra.
ECO is actively seeking new board members!
If you’d like to learn more about being on the board and what it entails, click the button below and read on!
You’ll be taken to a page with a brief description of the board and what we’re looking for in a board member. If you’re interested, please fill out the form with your contact information and a brief description of your background.
We’ll get in touch with you to set up a quick call to discuss your background, skills, and interests, as well as talk in more depth about what it’s like being on the board.

James Spear joined the board in March of 2018 and was elected president in June of that year. He actually didn’t even know about ECO prior to December 2017! The Evergreen business he works for (SBBnet, inc) gives each of its employees money to donate for Colorado Gives Day. He searched “Evergreen, Music” on the CO Gives Day platform and that’s how he found out about ECO.
After joining the board, James has helped ECO focus on the organization’s long- and short-term objectives and its strategy to achieve those objectives. In addition, he has helped ECO increase its focus on marketing, community development, and sponsorships.
James is a dedicated pianist, with a particular love of the music of JS Bach and Chopin. He’s always looking for great people to talk about music with! He also plays drums, guitar, bass, and synthesizer – he has had a number of bands in the past that have performed throughout the Denver Metro Area, the most recent being The Whiskey Masons.
James received his bachelor’s degree in Music and Entertainment Industry Studies from the University of Colorado at Denver, dual-majoring in Music Business and Music Technology. He then received his International MBA from the University of Denver Daniels College of Business, focusing on marketing, strategy, and finance. He works as a Marketing Manager at SBBnet, inc in Evergreen.
Stop by the ticket table at any ECO event and he will be there – make sure to say hello!
Board Member, Treasurer
Ernest Groman earned a PhD in biochemistry (University of California-Berkeley) and was involved in several start-up companies in Cambridge and Worcester, MA.
He served on the Board of Directors of the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra (Wellesley, MA) as treasurer, the position he holds with ECO.
Board Member
Mary Alyce Groman earned a PhD in musicology (University of California-Berkeley). Dr. Groman performed and taught violin for many years in the Boston area before moving to Denver. She was a violinist in and orchestra Chairperson of the Pro Arte Chamber Orchestra of Boston for many years.
Dr. Groman joined ECO as a musician and board member because of the wonderful musicianship, interesting compositions and general love of music expressed by Bill Hill, our conductor.
Board Member
Interested in joining ECO's Board of Directors?
We’re always looking for great people to join our team! If you’re interested in learning more about joining our board, we’d love to speak with you. Hit that fancy blue button below and you’ll be taken to a page where you can tell us a little bit about yourself. We’ll get back to you soon to set up a time to talk.