William Hill | Music Director

Support ECO with Amazon Smile

Hello there! Did you know it’s super easy to financially support Evergreen Chamber Orchestra with Amazon Smile? Well, it is!

Any purchase made online through ECO’s Amazon Smile will result in 0.5% of the purchase value being donated to ECO from Amazon. You get the products you ordered, ECO gets a donation. Sounds great, right?

Let’s get you set up. First, go to http://smile.amazon.com. Next, select “Evergreen Chamber Orchestra Society” as your charity. You only have to select ECO once and…. that’s it!

After you’re set up, anytime you shop on Amazon ECO will receive 0.5% of your order from Amazon. The best part is that you don’t have to spend any extra money – it all comes from Amazon’s Smile Fund. 

Thanks for your support and we look forward to seeing you at our next concert!
Yours in music,
The Evergreen Chamber Orchestra Team