William Hill | Music Director
Rules and Regulations
The Evergreen Chamber Orchestra’s 2024 Young Artists Solo Competition is open to all students who are currently high school seniors or younger.
Applicants must submit all application materials by Friday, September 20th, 2024.
Applicants will audition for ECO’s panel of jurors at one of the two available audition dates listed below.
Applicants will receive the audition schedule via email no later than September 20th, 2024.
The winners will be notified the day following their application their final audition date and by email. Prizewinners will also be recognized via ECO’s Facebook page and email blasts.
The first place winner will receive a private coaching session with ECO Music Director William Hill.
The first place winner will rehearse their piece with ECO on the two rehearsal dates listed below.
The first place winner will perform their piece with ECO at both Colorado Mountain Holiday Concert performances on the date listed below.
Please fill in the application by following the link below. If you have questions, please contact Chanel Ziegler at cziegler@evergreenchamberorch.org.
The application fee is $10 which can be submitted online or by check.
The application, fee, and scanned copy of piano score must be received by September 20th, 2024
Once all application materials are received, ECO representatives including Music Director William Hill will review the applications to evaluate them.
Applicants that receive an approval on their application (almost all will be if the orchestration and time limits are observed!) will be notified via email to confirm their approval and to coordinate audition times.
Applicants will receive a time to audition for ECO’s panel of jurors on one of the two available dates and times listed below:
Audition Date #1
Monday, September 23rd, 2024
4:45pm – 8:30pm
Rockland Community Church
Audition Date #2
Pianists MUST audition on Wednesday, September 25th, as Classic Pianos has two pianos available (for both competitor and accompanist).
The top three winners will receive cash prizes of $200 (first place), $100 (second place) and $50 (third place). ECO reserves the right to increase the cash prizes at any time, but the prizes will not be reduced.
Awards will be presented at the 6pm December 21st concert.
All cash prize recipients must attend the 6pm December 21st concert to receive their check (each of the three winners and up to 2 adults will receive complimentary concert tickets).
The first-place winner will receive a private coaching session from ECO’s Music Director William Hill. This coaching session will be coordinated between the first-place winner and Mr. Hill.
The first-place winner will perform their piece twice with the Evergreen Chamber Orchestra at their Colorado Mountain Holiday Concerts. All applicants MUST confirm that they will be available to perform at both concerts and will be available to arrive at the call time – 1:30pm. Dinner will be provided in between concerts.
All PRIZEWINNERS must attend at the December 21st performance to receive their cash prize but are strongly encouraged to attend both performances, as all prizewinners will be recognized during the intermission of each concert. Each prizewinner and up to two accompanying adults will receive complimentary tickets.
All APPLICANTS are strongly encouraged to attend at least one of the performances, as well.
Performance #1
Performance #2
All applicants must additionally confirm that they will be available to attend the following two rehearsals with ECO:
REHEARSAL #1: 7:00pm – 10:00pm, Tuesday, December 17th, 2024
REHEARSAL #2: 7:00pm – 10:00pm, Thursday, December 19th, 2024
Both rehearsals will be hosted at Abiding Hope Nature School (Genesis Presbyterian Church)
located at 5707 S. Simms Street, Littleton, CO, 80127
All applicants must meet the following criteria to be eligible to participate in the ECO 2024 Young Artists Solo Competition:
Applicant must be a high school senior or younger, including home-schooled students.
Open to all band and orchestral instruments, piano, harp, classical guitar, and vocalists.
Movement or total time of piece / pieces (e.g. several short arias) must be no longer than ten (10:00) minutes.
The piece must be orchestrated for a chamber orchestra. ECO’s Music Director, William Hill, will decide whether the repertoire chosen is appropriate for ECO. Mr. Hill will have the authority to make this decision and his decision will be final.
The applicant must provide a piano accompanist at the audition.
The applicant must provide the piano score submitted via email (cziegler@evergreenchamberorch.org) by the application deadline. Please use the subject line:
2024 YASC Application Materials: (your name) – (your instrument) – (name of piece)
We look forward to hearing you perform!